Our specialized dog bed bug detection service uses highly trained canines to quickly and accurately detect bed bug infestations in homes, hotels, and businesses. With their exceptional sense of smell, our dogs can pinpoint even the smallest infestations, ensuring early detection and helping to prevent larger outbreaks. Our team provides efficient, discreet, and non-invasive inspections, offering peace of mind and a swift path to resolution for any bed bug concerns. Trust our expert dogs to safeguard your space from pests.
He is five years old He was selected for the detection team due to his excellent need to complete the goal set out by his trainers. He is a very social, stable, and smart dog who can handle any situations put in front of him. Lucas has consistently shown that he is capable of dealing with harder, more distracting environments without becoming over excited, or stressed.
She is eight years old and was selected previously for service work. She has since been retired due to the handler no longer needing her alerts any longer. She is stable in various environments, and enjoys figuring out tougher situations in which she will be working.
She is a three year old doodle, who was socialized as a service dog but has changed career paths to bed bug detection. Her social behavior, willingness to search, and ability to maintain level headed behavior in different search areas makes her an amazing detection team member.
Ichi, a six year old Pitbull is an amazing, friendly, and hard working dog. His work ethic and capabilities of handling tough, often hectic environments makes him extremely accurate in his detections of bed bug odor.
When a two year old Dutch Shepherd x Belgian Malinois, was raised as a puppy by the Evolved K9 detection team to be capable of environments that require stability and athleticism. Her breeding has a long line of police, and military detection dogs who excelled in her field.